Today we made it down to Key West. It is about a two hour drive from where we are staying. We made it all the way to Mile Marker 0.
We went to Ft. Zachary State Park first. They are suppose to have great snorkeling. It is pretty much the lowest point on Key West and it is where the Gulf and the Atlantic meet. The visibility was only fair, actually it was less than 5 feet. We couldn't see the bottom very well so we didn't snorkel very long. The beaches here are very rocky. There is no such thing as a sandy beach in the Keys. This is what has surprised us the most so far. If it is a sandy beach then it is manmade and there are very few of those.
View of Naval ship from Fort Zachary Taylor. You had to go through the Naval Station to get to the state park.
Rainbow we saw driving down to Key West.
This is one of the best Banyan trees (Ficus) that we found.
We went to the Conch Republic for dinner in the historic harbor. It was really nice and they had good live music. We also went to Mallory Square at sundown. This is where all the street vendors go. It wasn't as large as I expected, but we saw a fire breather who was getting ready to preform and watched an acrobat guy. We are spending the night in Key West so we can explore a little more tomorrow.
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